Easy Way to Know Acess Control List in and Out Pt

I once evaluated a patient who was dealing with low back pain and sciatica. He states he had pain in his leg for quite some time, and it got significantly worse about 6 months ago. His doctor at the time sent him to physical therapy with a diagnosis of hip bursitis, and the patient reports he did a lot of stretching in physical therapy with no significant relief.

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The patient finally saw an orthopedic surgeon, and lumbar surgery was performed on his low back to relieve pressure on his sciatic nerve from a herniated disc. My patient reported initial relief from the surgery, but he continues with leg pain and abnormal sensation, so his doctor referred him to physical therapy once again to manage the post-operative recovery.

While talking with my patient, I asked him how long he spent in physical therapy. He told me he went to 20 sessions of physical therapy. I was surprised. My patient told me that the physical therapy never made him feel better, and in fact occasionally he left feeling worse.

I asked him why he went for 20 sessions if he was getting no relief. He replied that he went until his insurance company wouldn't pay any longer, and then he was discharged.

Now, why would anyone continue with a treatment that wasn't too successful until insurance wouldn't pay? A more important question: Why would a physical therapist treat a patient unsuccessfully for 20 sessions and then discontinue therapy once insurance ran out? Shouldn't your physical therapist be making clinical decisions?

Look, I know that all physical therapists (and other healthcare professionals) practice within strict confines of insurance regulations, and sometimes these regulations seem unfair. But to have a patient continue on a course of treatment that offered no relief and very little progress seems a bit unfair...to the insurance company.

Every condition is different and that everyone heals at different rates. In my opinion, if you are not making progress in a reasonable amount of time, your physical therapist should refer you on to a more appropriate treatment. If you are progressing and making gains in range of motion, strength, and function, surely continue along. If not, ask your physical therapist if you should be continuing in PT. A good physical therapist knows what he or she can treat. A great physical therapist knows his or her limitations.

How Long Should Your PT Episode Last?

So how long should physical therapy take? Should you stop PT just because your insurance company won't pay?

In general, you should attend physical therapy until you reach your PT goals or until your therapist—and you—decide that your condition is severe enough that your goals need to be re-evaluated. Typically, it takes about 6 to 8 weeks for soft tissue to heal, so your course of PT may last about that long. Of course, if you have a serious condition or a progressively worsening condition, your course of rehab may take longer.

Sometimes, your condition may rapidly get better, and you may notice an improvement in pain control, range of motion, and strength within a few sessions of physical therapy. In this case, you may only attend therapy two or three times, and then hopefully be discharged with a home exercise program that can help you prevent or manage future episodes of your condition.

A Word From Verywell

When you are referred to a physical therapist, it is nice to know what you are getting into. Will your therapy last for one or two weeks, or will you require several weeks or months of rehab to get better? This question is best answered by you and your PT, working as a therapeutic alliance to help you move better and feel better. Your PT should help you decide when to stop rehab. The decision shouldn't be based on how much reimbursement is offered by your insurance company.

Verywell Health uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. Read our editorial process to learn more about how we fact-check and keep our content accurate, reliable, and trustworthy.

By Brett Sears, PT
Brett Sears, PT, MDT, is a physical therapist with over 20 years of experience in orthopedic and hospital-based therapy.

Thanks for your feedback!


Source: https://www.verywellhealth.com/how-long-should-you-attend-physical-therapy-3975127

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